Friday, September 17, 2010

Entry 1 - Ready to go

Two weeks from today, I will be boarding a cruise ship for a few glorious days of relaxation. Honestly, I cannot wait for some time away. My mother, my niece, my sister-in-law and I are going away for some girl time and to celebrate my and my nieces birthdays. Before I can even think of sunshine, beaches, duty free shopping and sheer pleasure, I have two weeks worth of preparation that must be completed. First, I have to take some time to make to-do lists for my husband (Tony), and my sons (Matthew (age 19) and Brandon (age 15)). Rather than calling it a to-do list, it should be referred to as a "how -to -survive while mom is away list". The boys have not had to survive without me or my mother for more than 5 days and although I know they are capable of survival, I fear what will be awaiting me upon my arrival home. I am hoping the hubby and the boys will impress me and have the house shinig! No laundry, dirty dishes, or missing or dead animals. However, I am sure the laundry will take over my laundry room and likely extend into my kitchen where it will no doubt run into dishes that overflowing from the sink and counter tops. I just hope the cats can find their way to their food and water bowls, that is if the boys do not forget to fill them often. I really do hope the animals survive.
Secondly, I must finish shopping for just the right outfits. Clothes for dinner and clubbing, clothes for shopping and exploring, swimsuits for sunning and swimming and most important, we cannot forget the at least five pairs of comfy shoes to satisfy my feet for the duration of our time away. This means no cute flat flip flops for the Capri pants, no adorable high heels for the evening gown and no pretty platforms for clubbing. Once all the clothing, the shoes and the ever so popular accessories (you know the flat iron, curling iron, hair dryer, make up and all the other goods a traveling female requires) are purchased and the "I cannot live without" prescriptions are filled I will spend my time packing the suitcase(s). With all this stuff this may seem the dilemma and no doubt the luggage restrictions airlines impose will be of no help, but I will make it work somehow, someway. My carry on luggage will contain the most important stuff. One outfit (just in case the airlines misplace my luggage), a Mountain Dew, a book to entertain me during the flight should my niece who has never flown allows me a minute of freedom from her paranoia (love you, Beth!) and oh yes…. my medications. I am trying to calculate in my head prior to packing if one suitcase will be enough for five days. My main piece of luggage will hopefully be enough for my four outfits per day, my at five pair of shoes, accessories and the much needed assistive devices. Without the dressing stick, the sock pull, the long handled hairbrush, and the zipper pull, life trying to relax may become a life filled with frustration or begging for help, something I am not familiar with doing.
Lastly, and most importantly, on my list of things to do before I can say bon voyage is I must visit my "make my joints better or replace them" orthopedic surgeon. I have faith that my already replaced right knee may possibly behave while I am away but I am sure its counterpart will try its best to give me more grief than I wish to experience. However just to show my knee who is indeed the boss, I will insist the good doc will agree to inject it with some Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde steroids.

Awaiting sun and fun!
